
Hello everyone! Last week we had an amazing experience and we want to share it with you: Between the 22th and the 27th of November, 21 participants from Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Macedonia and Greece were involved in the training course “EVS Academy” that was all about implementing EVS projects in formal education institutions. The participants learned in some in an out of the box manner step by step, everything about EVS, from general information about the big house of Erasmus+ to how to implement EVS projects in your own school. We didn’t forget how to have fun together. We worked on skills related to project management, planning and implementing good quality EVS project and many more.
This project is co-funded by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

International Tolerance Day (16.11.2016), workshop in lovely Michalowo High School
Organized by EVS volunteers Maria and Cristina. Anawoj Association.

As you know, on 16th of November we all celebrated the International day of Tolerance, a holiday where we enhance our understanding about different cultures and people. In order to bring this spirit in our community as well, we went one day earlier to each class from Michałowo High School, where we played games and learned more about acceptance in a relaxed, funny way. Even though people have different religions, races, nationalities, opinions or food preferences (although I found out that we all like pizza), we were able to see that we are actually are all the same and we should connect with each other based on the personality and not the labels that we receive. Four classes between 14 and 19 years old engaged in different exercises that had the purpose to make them realise we are different but actually the same. Step by step, from physical characteristics to opinions and views, about the world, the students had to reflect on lives of others and how those people are affected by our actions. The topics that caught the students’ interests the most were bullying – why do people do it, what does that mean and what effect does it have on the bullied ones, travelling abroad – the reasons for doing it and the perspectives that you may acquire after visiting other countries and the care for the environment. Even though the sides that the pupils took on certain issues were different, they respected others opinion and debated each situation that we described to them about different social groups and attitudes. Everyone seemed to like the activities and were involved in the team and group tasks. We very much enjoyed al workshops and can’t wait to make new ones!

Z dumą informujemy, że projekt EVS “Kreatywna edukacja dla dzieci i młodzieży” zdobył główną nagrodę w konkursie EDUinspiracje w kategorii 20 lat Wolontariatu Europejskiego organizowanego przed Fundację Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji. Projekt był zrealizowany w okresie od października 2014 do czerwca 2015. Wolontariusze wspierali instytucje edukacji formalnej: w Białymstoku w Zespole Szkół nr 11, w I Liceum Ogólnokształcącym w Łapach, w Zespole Szkół Mechanicznych w Łapach, w Gminnym Przedszkolu w Michalowie oraz w Zespole Szkół w Gródku. Na wczorajszej gali w Centrum Nauki Kopernika w Warszawie odbyło się uroczyste wręczenie nagród. To wyróżnienie motywuje nas do dalszej pracy i wzmacnia poczucie, że to co robimy ma sens.

Dziękujemy naszym partnerom, którzy chcieli włączyć w swoją codzienność to, co do zaoferowania ma edukacja pozaformalna. Uważamy, że współpraca międzysektorowa ma ogromny potencjał i będziemy pracować na kolejne sukcesy.

Stowarzyszenie ANAWOJ (Stowarzyszenie Miedzynarodowej I Miedzykulturowej Wymiany ANAWOJ) will take part in the European Training “Leadership +”, that will take place in Portugal, from 3rd to 10th of November.

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